Friday 8 November 2013

Cape Penninsula

File:Satellite image of Cape peninsula.jpgEarly wake-up calls as we are to catch the first cable car up to the mountain as the line ups are insane
if you arrive later. The cable car only runs on less than 100 day a year due to bad weather and clouds, so we
were lucky to get up there, even if the visibility was limited at least we made it up there!!!
Continued on Chapman's Peak Drive, along many beautiful beaches and seaside villages, we made it to
Cape point and finally to Cape of Good Hope
On the way we saw Southern Right Wales from the distance. At the beaches you can see shark spotters, who blow horns when sharks are in sight ... Speaking about sharks, I really wanted to do the Great White Shark Dive, but tomorrow is our last day, so this is definitely a reason to return soon again, as I really want to do this !!! Next time for sure.
We had a fantastic lunch at a Clayfish Restaurant on Boulder's Beach. We really do get spoiled here with seafood! We stayed for a while to watch the cute penguins. Beautiful spot, Boulder's Beach.
Our day ended with a dinner at our South African friends Mr and Mrs Africa (yes, this is their real last name!). Sadly the pictures did not turn out ok, but it was a great evening!!!

Yes! Table Mountain cable car is running.... and we sure are on the first ride up!

...  view from cable car

...visibility was not so great

Camps Bay

and Camps Bay street view

Camps Bay again


Beach at Fishhoek

Cape Point

Party Seto made it to the Cape of Good Hope!!!

lunch stop

Excellent  Seafood again...

Baboon takes lunch break too...

... so beautiful here

 My two lovely friends, Chia and Jessie Ma
Chia comes from a small town in Szechuan, close to the Tibetian border.
He outruns all of us despite his 82 years.
He even did the Taiwan 101 RUN (!) in 2006.
Jessie used to be a nurse in Taiwan  and Chia worked as a chemical engineer.
In Canada they had a restaurant in Scotia Square.
Jessie leaves us early on the 10th Nov as she continues her travel to Taiwan to visit family.
Lucky Jessie, she can escape the cold weather in NS for a few more weeks!!!
Chia is just the happiest guy in our group. Always dancing and singing and he can eat for two!!!
Have a safe trip Jessie and it was great to have you both on this trip :)


  1. phenomenal pictures!!!!! I'm sure the photos don't even do it justice! Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  2. That is a fascinating view of the Cape Peninsula ... I had no idea that area was SOOO mountainous! You can see Table Mountain right there in front - but in the back country, look at that rugged terrain! Amazing! And man do I get vertigo just looking at the photos from the top of the mountain back down ... waaaay down to the city and ocean below! That’s a good shot of everybody at the Cape Point ... it must be kind of chilly ... most everyone has jackets on. Its a good thing I wait until after dinner to read this blog ... the food photos would otherwise be torture! And the photo of the baboon asleep, sunning himself on the wall with the ocean in the background ... a reminder that this IS Africa, after all! But then Penguins?!! Now I’m getting confused! These must be penguins on VACATION !!! Thanks for such a great blog! I’m going to miss you guys after you finish your travels.

    - Wayne Hansen
